Strength -
What is that? What’s it like? How does it show in your character, your
Whenever i
feel at my lowest and i am struggling real hard with whatever comes my way,
some people that tell me i am strong
And i
wonder what that even means
i do think
it’s nice of them to say
and i want
to believe they mean it when they do
It’s just i
can’t see it myself
so how can
it be true?
What does
it mean to be “strong”?
Here are some of the answers i could come up with:
To be
strong is having fears and not letting them stop you
Being strong
is daring to be independent
To be
strong is making your own choices
strong is being exhausted but pushing through anyway
To be
strong is daring to be different
strong is being broken, but somehow manage to hold the scattered pieces in place
To be strong is wanting to give up, trying to give up, only to encounter your own
strength and God's, reminding you why you held on for so long in the first place
To be
honest, sometimes the words “strength” and “being strong” really tick me off
i wonder: How can
everybody see my strength and i just can’t?
i can’t see
it, i can’t feel it..
discrepancy makes me question myself and the world
sometimes i don’t want to be strong.
i just want
to cry, curl up in a corner
and maybe
try to let someone hold me close
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yeah, sometimes i can relate to this quote so much.. |
Trying to
find some answers to the questions i started this blog post with, i looked up
some quotes on being strong. These are the ones that stood out to me:
don’t know how strong you are, until being strong is the only choice you have ~
A quote i
have heard many times, and i believe i have used it also.. But now i think
about it again.. i’m not really sure what to make of it. How does it answer my
question about what it means to be “strong”? i don’t know.
strong doesn’t mean that you can handle every difficult situation on your own,
it means that you have the sense to ask God and others for help ~ Nishan Panwar
That’s a
hard one for me. i’m not good at asking for help.. But if that really is the
(only) meaning of being strong, than people are really wrong whenever they talk
about me being strong.
strong means rejoicing in who you are, complete with imperfections ~ Margaret
i don’t see
myself rejoicing in who i am.. So that would indicate i’m not a very strong
person.. Or maybe this is just another facet of the concept “to be strong” and
there’s no ONE way to be strong and show your strength?
i’d like to
end this blog post with an excerpt from the lyrics to one of my favourite songs
about Being Strong. ~ It’s a song
by Matthew West, called “Strong Enough”
Cause i'm broken
down to nothing
But i'm still holding on to the one thing
You are God
and You are strong
when i am weak
i know i'm not strong enough to be
everything that i'm supposed to be
i give up
i'm not strong enough
Hands of mercy won't You cover me
Lord, right now i'm asking You to be
Strong enough
i find comfort that – whether people think i’m strong or not, whether i am strong or not – the Lord is my Strength.
down to nothing
But i'm still holding on to the one thing
You are God
and You are strong
when i am weak
i know i'm not strong enough to be
everything that i'm supposed to be
i give up
i'm not strong enough
Hands of mercy won't You cover me
Lord, right now i'm asking You to be
Strong enough
i find comfort that – whether people think i’m strong or not, whether i am strong or not – the Lord is my Strength.
He is
strong enough for the both of us.
And He wants
to be strong enough for you, too.
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Isaiah 40:29 |