Okay, first
things first.. This may not be the uplifting blog post you would want to read.
So you are warned. i feel like i should get some things off my chest and i also
feel like this should be the place. Because my blog is about things that are
going on in my life or that are important to me. And i want it to be about
being real, too. So.. here it goes. me being real.
i’m not a
big fan of slow motion.
i’m not a
big fan of standing still.
i’ve always
been more like the run-a-marathon kinda girl.
i like
speed. i like action.
i like to
keep on going.
No. i said
i was going to be real.
i NEED to
keep on going.
i need
anything to keep me from standing still.
still means thinking. Overthinking. Overthinking about overthinking..
It means
thoughts, feelings and emotions. It means memories.
It means
memories that i thought were locked up safely, somewhere at the back of my
mind. Buried in a deep, dark pit. Too dark to be able to recognize the
individual memories, the flashes, the sounds..
But i have
been standing still for awhile now.
Being sick
does that to me. Makes me stand still.
Not being
able to do all the things i used to do to keep myself occupied.. it drives me
After my
concussion i have been standing still and i’m tired of standing still.
i’m tired
of the headaches.
i’m tired
of the exhaustion.
i’m tired
of the uncertainty.
i’m tired
of the not being able to do what i need to do.
i’m tired
of the not being able to do what i should do for my internship.
i’m tired
of feeling like a big failure who is doing nothing except for doing nothing.
Resting. Standing (laying) still.
And the
biggest one of all:
i’m tired
of telling people that i’m still not feeling too well. i’m tired of smiling and
saying that everything will be all right, that it all just takes a little more
time than initially expected.
my mind is
running ahead of my body.
But there’s
nothing i can do to get better, than to rest up, even when my headaches are
keeping me awake. And to do as little as i can and try to be happy with that.
i am
i may not
be running but there is some slow progress.
Maybe i
have been spending too much time focusing on the “slow” part, when i could also
be looking at the “progress” part.
There is
i do get to
go to my internship now for a couple of hours a week. And i do get to see the
smiles of the kids at work. i do get to write post cards and mail them to
people i know could use something to brighten up there day a bit. i do get to
color, read a little, listen some music or watch some TV. i do get to sit up a
couple of hours a day instead of laying in my bed all day.
And last
but not least: i do get to read my Bible and experience God’s love in the
numerous little gifts of mercy He shows me everyday.
Maybe my headache
is knocking on my door:
“Hi girl,
there is some headline news – you are making progress. You just don’t know it
i can’t
wait till the day my head will be quiet and there’ll be room for all my
normal activities again.
But for now
i have to be grateful for all the little things and accept that me standing
still means dealing with thoughts, feelings, emotions and memories that i
usually try to keep locked up, buried away under a huge amount of Staying
Occupied :)
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