
Lessons from a butterfly

Here’s a beauty i’d like you to meet:

She really amazed me. When she had closed her wings, there was nothing on the outside that would even suggest the brightness of the other side of her wings.

i guess in life it's the same with people.

We only see a fragment of each other. Just a fragment of someone's qualities, their joys and their virtues. And also just a fragment of their hurt, their anxiety, and the rest of the whole spectrum of emotions we can have.

We can try to brighten up the outside of someone's wings, when we encounter someone’s hurts and fears... When in reality they have every right to have those emotions and share it with us. And these emotions and hurts deserve to receive our attention and compassion.

i believe it's way more valuable to take the time to be there for someone. To accept them as they are (with or without the "brightness").

Maybe, when they feel accepted and safe and loved, they will start to open up more and you will see the other side, too.

Don't demand someone to show you their "good side".
Earn their trust by acknowledging their frailty and their hurt.

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