
The Art of Forgiveness (Original Song)

Today i’d like to share with you this song about forgiveness.
To me it was kind of a song i wrote for myself as a reminder that i cannot truly forgive and find healing, unless i’m willing to admit the hurt that i have felt about some things. And oh, how i have gotten good at denying. But i found that my body still remembers. So i know it’s time for me to face what happened, address my feelings about it and then find a way to forgive others and myself for it. As Alice Duer Miller said it: "Genuine forgiveness does not deny anger but faces it head-on."

i know i can’t do all that by myself, i need the help from God to lead me in this process of healing. Anyway, i thought maybe this song could be helpful to someone else struggling with this as well.
So here it is.

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