
Walking In Other People's Shoes (Original Song)

Hey dear friends,

Here's another song i wrote.
i tried to record it until i was feeling 'okay' about it. But i guess i won't get it 'okay enough' anytime soon. So here it is anyway. It's just a little song about finding your own path in life. Because sometimes it's so much easier to hear all those voices from people around you, telling you what to do. When deep down there is this small voice telling you exactly what you need, but it takes a lot of courage to listen to it and follow through, even when people don't understand.

So yeah, i hope someone else out there might relate (well, actually i don't wish that. i'd rather have them feel the encouragement of other people to listen to their inner voice and cheer them on as they are trying to find their own path, but if you do relate...) and be encouraged by this song.

Please know you are not alone.
And that i believe in you.
Sometimes that's all we truly need.
No words of wisdom. Not even full comprehension of all that's going on.
Just someone that listens and tells us they believe in us.
Someone to stand by our sides, cheering us on, no matter what.
If you need someone like that, you know where to find me. ;)
i know i'm only human, but i'd like to try and be there for you.
For i care!

Always remember: You are loved!

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