
Lessons from a butterfly

Here’s a beauty i’d like you to meet:

She really amazed me. When she had closed her wings, there was nothing on the outside that would even suggest the brightness of the other side of her wings.

i guess in life it's the same with people.

We only see a fragment of each other. Just a fragment of someone's qualities, their joys and their virtues. And also just a fragment of their hurt, their anxiety, and the rest of the whole spectrum of emotions we can have.

We can try to brighten up the outside of someone's wings, when we encounter someone’s hurts and fears... When in reality they have every right to have those emotions and share it with us. And these emotions and hurts deserve to receive our attention and compassion.

i believe it's way more valuable to take the time to be there for someone. To accept them as they are (with or without the "brightness").

Maybe, when they feel accepted and safe and loved, they will start to open up more and you will see the other side, too.

Don't demand someone to show you their "good side".
Earn their trust by acknowledging their frailty and their hurt.

The Big Black Hole where you can’t see the top

Since i’ve been struggling with depression ever since i can remember (i guess it started around age 4 or 5) i’ve always believed that i was a negative person. That i’d defeat depression if only i’d become more positive.

It’s kinda funny (and frustrating) to think that i believe this misconception (and a couple others) when it comes to me dealing with my mental health problems, when i would not even think about believing this about someone else who’s struggling.

i know that being depressed does not mean that someone’s weak or pessimistic or anything like that.
But for years i’ve believed that this was the case for me.
i always saw myself as a negative person. Someone who would not be depressed if she would just try harder to think positive. After all, i had everything going for me to be a happy & healthy person, hadn’t i?

 And even after my depression was finally recognized and acknowledged at age 16 (yeah, it took people that long to figure it out, even though i have been seen by mental health specialists quite regularly throughout my childhood), i still did not get the support i desperately needed. Yeah, i got the meds (which did not do anything good for me) and i got psychotherapy. But as i was already trapped in feelings of guilt and shame about being too pessimistic, this did not work either. i have given thinking myself out of this big black hole with positive thoughts my all. Yet it did not bring the results my therapists told me it would bring. And therefore my negative thoughts would only increase every time i noticed the frustration i caused my therapists. i felt like i failed them and all my loved ones, because i was such a negative and pessimistic person.

It really took me quite some time now to write and re-write this post. i don’t want it to be like an angry, or bitter post. i’m not trying to point fingers or blaming people!!! And i want to apologize in advance for any poor wording that could hurt someone’s feelings. i want to emphasize:  in no way do i think that i know everything. i am simply writing from my own experiences and what i feel the Lord has been teaching me lately.

A while ago i found “evidence” that caused this belief – that i was depressed because i’m a pessimistic person – to be a bit shaken (sometimes there are ideas you’ve believed to be true for such a long period of time that it takes a whole lot of time to take them down and replace them with a more realistic, adequate belief). This “evidence” got me thinking. In this blog post i’d like to share some of my thoughts with you.

What kind of “evidence” did i find?
Well, i found some of my old diaries. And i was touched by the positivity that i read in the words, my words. There was almost no day that i would not conclude my writing with expressing what a good day it had been. No matter what had happened that day, i would just end with something like “Nevertheless, i had a nice time today”. And the weird part is, it does not seem like i was trying hard to convince myself that all the bad things were not so bad, or that i was trying to overrule my negative emotions. i just seemed to see the best and when life was difficult, i’d give it the benefit of the doubt. i really was grateful for every tiny bit of goodness & happiness that i could find. And i found something to be grateful for (almost) every single day.

Still, i was depressed. i remember the hurt, the loneliness, the shame. But i rarely mention those emotions in my diary. Yeah sometimes when something happened that hurt me, i would mention it. But most of the time i’d not even mention those things at all, or i’d just mention the events without saying how it made me feel. It’s as if those emotions did not have a place in my thought life. Unfortunately, they did find their way to control my life. i was depressed. And though i could come up with all those positive thoughts and could honestly write down what a great day it had been and how blessed i was – i’d still feel empty and numb.
The only way for me to keep going was to give life the benefit of the doubt, to believe in the good of people and to distract myself from the pain. First by burying myself in my school work and activities. Later on when that proved to come short, i developed other (harmful) coping mechanisms (eating disorder, self-harm, etc).
So yeah, i’m getting more and more convinced that if i could have built a ladder out of this deep & black hole of depression, just by thinking positive – i would have been enjoying the sunshine and the rain years ago.

But that’s not the way it works, i guess. At least not for me.
And all those times people (friends, acquaintances & therapists) told me to be more positive, to see the bright sight of things and be grateful for all that i have – i fell deeper into the dark hole (no i don't blame anyone!) For it made me ashamed of myself, it fueled my already crippling sense of guilt and it made me feel lonely. For i knew i disappointed people and i failed at getting better. But i guess it’s about time that i start realizing that i did not fail. This method failed me. And i’m just now learning that i did not get depressed because i am a negative person. So becoming a more positive person would most likely not cure my depression…

What would cure my depression? i have no idea. i’m dying to know (no pun intended).

Another thing that i’ve been thinking about…
Often times i have the idea that people think you’re doing something wrong when you are a Christian AND suffer from mental health problems (for a long period of time). Because Jesus came into the world to set us free and when you’re struggling with (let’s say) depression you clearly fail to fully comprehend the Gospel.

But is that the case?
Does living with depression mean that you’re doing something wrong?
Does it mean that you’re failing to understand what it means that Jesus gave His life for us so that we would be free and could have life & enjoy it to the full?
Does being depressed mean that you are a negative person? Or that you’re weak?

i feel like Christians with a depression are pressured to get well and happy as soon as possible. That (with or without words) people send the message that God can’t work through you when you are depressed and that you can’t shine His Light when you are living in the darkness of a depression.

i think this is a really dangerous way of thinking because it adds to the guilt and shame someone with depression (or any other mental illness) most likely is already experiencing. And guilt and shame are toxic. They drag people deeper into a black hole full of loneliness, being misunderstood and further away from the connection with reality. (That’s why i really felt the need to share this post, as an attempt to make people aware.)

Would it be a really crazy idea that God allows some of His children to live in the deep, dark holes of depression (even though it breaks His heart to see His children hurting & struggling) because that is the only way to reach other people who are living in that same deep, black hole? To bring the Light of the Gospel into that dark place?

i believe that sitting right next to someone who is struggling with depression and understanding what they are going through and sharing the love of Christ (without or with words) has a bigger impact than yelling some cited Bible Verses from the edge of the pit.

And so i hope & pray that during my years of depression i have been able to sit right next to someone and share God’s love with them. i hope that the times i had to go inpatient, God was able to shine His Light through me. So that His Light & Love would touch the hearts of other clients and the staff. It would really give meaning to my hospitalizations.

No i’m not saying that it would make things easier. Living in that hole of depression is hard. It’s swimming against the current. It’s fighting not to drown when the waves are crashing. It’s fighting to keep on breathing. It’s exhausting.
And i am also aware that living with depression isn’t the life God ultimately has in mind for us. Jesus came to set us free, to give us life and enjoy it to the full (John 10:10). But i believe God can use our days in darkness, as well as He can use our days spent in the sunlight.

i have a vision, a hope, a dream. i believe that the church can become even stronger and shine even brighter if we would stop thinking that people living with depression can’t shine Jesus’ Light into this world. Let us stand together. Let us help each other. Let the people who are not struggling with depression stand together at the edge of the pit and shine God’s Light into the hole. And let us Christians in the darkness keep on praying and studying the Word and allow God to change us into the image of His Son Jesus. Let us become mirrors, so that we can reflect the Light from above and shine it among the other people sitting in the dark.

Jesus came to set us free.
He gave up His life in the realms of Heaven to touch the lives & hearts of us sinners.
He was born into poverty and lived with people who were poor.
He sought the ones who were sick or needy.
He loved them and interrupted His activities to be there for people who needed Him.
Who, then, are we to say that we would not do the same?

No, i’m not saying i’m giving up on fighting my depression. i’m not giving into it. But i will try and fight the lies that i won’t be able to work in the kingdom of my Heavenly Father until i’ve climbed out of this hole. i pray that God will use me where i am. Instead of asking Him to bring me to the place where i think i’d be a bigger help, i’ll pray for Him to use me as i am right now and to help me grow into the person He meant for me to become. i’ll pray for Him to use me where i am right now and to lead me to the place He intended for me to go.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any thoughts you’d like to share.


Walking In Other People's Shoes (Original Song)

Hey dear friends,

Here's another song i wrote.
i tried to record it until i was feeling 'okay' about it. But i guess i won't get it 'okay enough' anytime soon. So here it is anyway. It's just a little song about finding your own path in life. Because sometimes it's so much easier to hear all those voices from people around you, telling you what to do. When deep down there is this small voice telling you exactly what you need, but it takes a lot of courage to listen to it and follow through, even when people don't understand.

So yeah, i hope someone else out there might relate (well, actually i don't wish that. i'd rather have them feel the encouragement of other people to listen to their inner voice and cheer them on as they are trying to find their own path, but if you do relate...) and be encouraged by this song.

Please know you are not alone.
And that i believe in you.
Sometimes that's all we truly need.
No words of wisdom. Not even full comprehension of all that's going on.
Just someone that listens and tells us they believe in us.
Someone to stand by our sides, cheering us on, no matter what.
If you need someone like that, you know where to find me. ;)
i know i'm only human, but i'd like to try and be there for you.
For i care!

Always remember: You are loved!


The Art of Forgiveness (Original Song)

Today i’d like to share with you this song about forgiveness.
To me it was kind of a song i wrote for myself as a reminder that i cannot truly forgive and find healing, unless i’m willing to admit the hurt that i have felt about some things. And oh, how i have gotten good at denying. But i found that my body still remembers. So i know it’s time for me to face what happened, address my feelings about it and then find a way to forgive others and myself for it. As Alice Duer Miller said it: "Genuine forgiveness does not deny anger but faces it head-on."

i know i can’t do all that by myself, i need the help from God to lead me in this process of healing. Anyway, i thought maybe this song could be helpful to someone else struggling with this as well.
So here it is.


God's Love Is Enough

God’s love is enough. Yes, that’s true.
It’s all we need to accept to find the freedom of the promise of living with Him in eternity.
Only through faith in Christ will we find salvation.

But… i don’t think it was ever intended to be a cheap one-liner for Christians to excuse their own lack of love.

(Like saying: “i’m sorry my love’s not good enough for you. i’m sorry i’m not able to be there more for you. But you shouldn’t expect that from me. You should turn to God. His love is enough.")

i don’t think that’s right.
i don’t believe that’s the way it was supposed to be.

We as human beings are made for love.
We are made to be loved. Loved by God.
But also to let that love flow through us and channel to other people.

God’s love isn’t something private between Him and a follower of Christ.
It’s meant to be something that unites us and holds us all together.

Not because we can do that by ourselves.
But because He will give us all the strength, courage & love we need to grow in loving one another.

God’s love is enough. Yes it is.
It’s more than enough love to help us love one another.
(and one another includes loving yourself)


i Believe In Miracles

i believe in miracles

After a rough night (it’s 6am right now and i haven’t gotten to even think of heading backwards to try and get some sleep) i accidentally put on the Radio as i wanted to put on a CD. i was ready to flip it to CD when i heard the song: The Script – Superheroes. One that’s connected to a special moment and also fits perfectly today. Ready again to flip to CD, i heard the first words of the next song: Armin van Buuren – Sunny Days. i’d like to share the words with you:

“You woke up in the morning with the sunrise in your eyes. But all that she’s seeing is darkness, she won’t tell you why. No more butterflies ‘cause they don’t never last. Stolen from the light by demons of the past. It’s always raining but she keeps on praying. All she needs is shelter, shelter for the night.”

Wow, i didn’t really think of God as a DJ really, but today He really showed me He cared by making sure these songs would be on and i would be hearing them, against all odds really. But when it’s His will, He will make it happen, too!

i hope and pray that each and every single one of you will experience such a precious miracle today. Something that may seem small to anyone else, but is exactly what will touch your heart and give you a warm & fuzzy feeling, a knowing that God knows and that He cares. Not just about the big things, but also about the little things (just like making sure we hear the right songs at the right time^^).


Ocean Walk (Original Song)

This song is about walking through the ocean of past hurt.
It's about the comfort of knowing that you're not alone.

i hope and pray you will know that amazing comfort
of knowing that our Heavenly Father cares for you
and will never ever let you face life on your own.


Dear Friend (Original Song)

Well, i'm still working on another blog post that you could actually read :) But here's another song of mine.
i wrote this for a dear friend of mine (no kidding... when you see the title xD). i was hesitant to share this with others as well. But with her permission and encouragement (yeah, i know, she's a great friend :)) i'm sharing this now.

i really hope it will touch people's hearts and will shine some love that goes directly to those places inside where it can be dark and lonely.

Please feel free to share with a loved one if you think it will speak to them.

All doubts and negative thoughts aside, here's the song:


Light in the Dark (Original Song)

Here's another song i wrote.
It's about searching for light while life is hard on you and you can't see anything but darkness.

i hope it will encourage you somehow.


Prayer for Comfort (Original Song)

This is a song i wrote for friends who recently lost their son.
But i decided to share it on here as well, because i hope it can be a blessing to other people as well.
For we all from time to time will go through seasons where we need comfort.

So yeah, here it is.
i hope & pray that it will bless you.

ps. i know it's far from perfect ;)
i've just recently started trying to teach myself how to play the guitar :)


Serving the Lord

Serving the Lord... i always thought that this meant i had to spend every split second looking for ways i could make my Heavenly Father happy and proud. Looking for something to do or say to continuously praise Him and give Him thanks.

i really wanted to do all this.
Because i really love God, i really really wanted to exploit all the possibilities there are in the world to let Him know.

But the truth is, that there was no real joy in all this.
It made me tired even thinking about it.
i wanted to serve Him, yet it also made me feel very uncomfortable.
i realized my ability to think of ways to serve Him would never ever be enough.
Not good enough, not creative enough, …

i knew i would always come short. Big time.
And this made me feel very sad.

i did not understand the concept of serving the Lord.

And even though i realize i am most likely still not grasping the whole concept of serving the Lord, i’d like to share the insight i had today.

The Lord wants us to serve Him.
And He Himself will tell us what He’d like and when.
He does not want us to spend all our time and energy trying to figure out what He needs us to do and then do all those things we can come up with.

He simply wants us to wait for Him.
To be available to Him.
To be ready the second He speaks to us and asks something of us.
He wants to be the One Who is revealing His will to us.
i don’t have to be running around in my thought circles in that little tiny mind of mine…

His ways are beyond what i can think or imagine. So yes, of course i would fall short if i would try to figure out His will inside the limits of my own thinking.

But today i had this picture of a scene:
A wealthy master, surrounded by servants. And there was this one servant, who was continuously doing what she though her master might want her to do. Whatever her mind was thinking of that the master could want her to bring or clean or do, she would do it.

So here she knocks on the door of the master’s office and brings him a cup of coffee: “Sir, would you like a cup of coffee?”. She places the cup of coffee on his desk. But as she walks out of the door she realizes she did not know whether he wanted coffee and decides to go back to the kitchen and also make him a cup of tea. Just a few minutes later she knocks on the door again. “Sir, i thought you might not have wanted coffee, so here’s also a cup of tea. Or would you rather have something else to drink? i could also bring you some fresh water? Or perhaps a glass of wine?”

i guess in most cases the master would let her know what he’d like to drink (that is, IF he was thirsty in the first place). That way the servant would know what to bring him (or take away).

The master sips his coffee and the servant can leave the room with a sense of satisfaction. Her master is content and she is glad, relieved. But then as she steps out of the office she is feverishly looking for something else to do to serve her master.
She is restless and decides to mop the floors. She thought her master would really appreciate it. Fifteen minutes later the whole floor in the hallway is wet. The servant stands up and looks satisfied at her work. She is just about ready to go and find something else to do, as the office door opens and the master screams as he falls flat.

The servant hastens to her master and keeps apologizing, while in her head she keeps telling herself how stupid she is for forgetting to warn him for the wet floor. But then again, she didn’t tell him because she wanted to surprise him. She asks if the master is hurting anywhere and helps him up. She tells herself she will not make this mistake again and from now on she will be an even better servant.

Oh, i know i’ve been this servant so many times. Stuck in my attempts to be the best servant i can possibly be. To surprise the Lord with something special i wanted to do for Him to make Him proud of His servant. And so many times i felt stupid, disappointed in myself. i can’t even begin to count the many times the Lord must have (almost) tripped over something i tried to do for Him, that wasn’t the right thing or the right time and ended up being a roadblock in His way…

Today the Lord told me that this is not the way He wants for us to serve Him.
He wants to use us. Yes. He wants us to do great works for Him. Yes. But we don’t have to exhaust ourselves thinking of everything we could do for Him. i never understood that.
The Lord has already predestined the good works we can do for the glory of His Kingdom.
To me this always made me feel a bit like going on an egg hunt. God had all those good works planned for me and i had to do my best to find out what those good works were (just like looking for eggs in an egg hunt) and then go about and do them. i must say this always made me tiresome and exhausted and i felt frustration and disappointment when i could not figure out what those good works were.

But God is not doing an egg hunt with us. He doesn’t want to hide those good works so we waste our energy trying to find out what He wants for us to do, only to grow weary.

He is our master. And He will let us know what He wants, when He wants it.

Just like a master will ring the bell to call for his servant and ask her to bring him a cuppa coffee just the way he likes it, when he likes it, God will be letting us know what He would like us to do as well.

The Lord will be ringing the bell, asking for our attention, when He has something for us to do. Our job in the meantime is to listen for His call, do our usual, everyday life activities and make sure we are at all times close enough to our Master to hear Him when He calls us.

Yes, waiting for His call can seem pointless or boring. Just like the servant in the story you could be restless, boiling inside, wanting to do something special for the Lord.  You might want to surprise Him, amaze Him. And just waiting for His call and doing what He is asking of you (nothing less, but also nothing more) may seem too little, too easy, too normal.

 i understand. When you are amazed by God’s riches in love and mercy, you want to do something great to express your gratitude to Him. When His love touches your soul, you almost explode and can’t wait to set something in motion to show the world the miracle of His unconditional, everlasting love.

But the truth is, God knows your heart. He already knows how amazed you are and how deep your gratitude goes. He knows.

God knows us as we are. Who we are right now. But also who we’ve been and who we’re going to be. He knows what we are doing right now. He knows what we’ve done in the past and He knows all about the things we will be doing in times yet to come.

The Lord Himself prepared for us the good works He wants us to do and the paths He wants us to take.

We cannot surprise Him.
And yes, that can make us sad. But it can also be a great comfort to us.
Because sometimes we will fall short. Some things will go wrong. Sometimes our words may come out all wrong and we will choose to do the wrong things.
Then we may find comfort in knowing that the Lord already knew where we’re heading, long before we realized something was off. And He won’t be disappointed in us. Yes, we will make mistakes and those mistakes will grieve our Master. But He won’t be surprised and therefore He won’t be disappointed.

We cannot cause Him to love us any less by making our worst mistake ever.

But we also cannot cause Him to love us any more by achieving our greatest goal.

And i guess fully realizing that will bring us a lot of peace of mind ;)


Bucket List

You know, i’m that kind of girl who’s always making lists. To-do-lists are as much needed as oxygen to keep me going… Sometimes i feel like i’m knee-deep in all of my to-do-lists. Sometimes i can’t even see what list has priority. They all seem to be important. And so it happened that a while back i found a little notebook in one of my storage boxes. There are a lot of interesting things written down.. It really was a trip down memory-lane. Not a trip to the best years of my life (definitely not) but still it was interesting to read the things that were important to me back then. One of the lists stood out to me. It was my Bucket List:

What i wanna do some day:

-          motorcycling
-          going to South-Africa
-          studying Psychology
-          graduate from High School
-          summerjob at a Christian Summercamp for kids
-          working at the Dolphinarium
-          attending & helping at the Flevo Festival
-          attending & helping at the Christian Youth Day (for my Dutch readers: i’m talking about the EO Jongerendag)
-          helping (HIV/AIDS) orphans and giving them love
-          horseback-riding
-          acting
-          modeling
-          working at a shop eg. the HEMA
-          finishing my story and publishing it
-          swimming with dolphins

So uhm yeah… i guess this is quite a list… But the funny thing is, there are quite some items that can be checked off :) and i truly am surprised with how i have been able to pursue my dreams over the past few years…

x          Motorcycling
This is something i still have to do. However, i can proudly say that quad riding has been a terrific experience as well!

✓        Going to South-Africa
Yay, this one has come true! The Summer of 2013 was incredible. i can’t believe i’ve actually been able to go visit my country of birth and see where i’ve been spending the first years of my life.

          Studying Psychology
Against all odds i’ve managed to pass all my tests and finish my internship successfully. All that’s left for me is to do my final research project. Yeah, i know it’s a huge mountain to climb for me. But God willing i will find the right place and in His timing receive my certificate…

          Graduate from High School
Once again something i did against all odds. While being inpatient and with less than 6 months preparation for my exams i managed to pass them…

         Summerjob at a Christian Summercamp for kids
It wasn’t a “job” as in i wasn’t getting paid or anything. But Summer of 2008 i joined the Free x/s team. A team full of wonderful people from my local church. i enjoyed helping out with the sport clinics, join the drama team and share the love of Christ with the kids & youth that participated with the activities.

x          Working at the Dolphinarium
This one is still a dream for me…

✓/x    Attending & helping at the Flevo Festival
i did attend the Flevo Festival. One night stands out to me. It was the night of Rebecca St. James’ concert, back in 2009. i feel so blessed my dad got tickets for us. The Lord really really spoke to me that evening. Through the song “You are Loved” and through the rolling of the thunder and the lightning… Our God is an awesome God and i won’t ever forget this moment. (And i won’t forget the meeting with Rebecca St. James afterwards).

✓/x    Attending & helping at the Christian Youth Day (for my Dutch readers: i’m talking about the EO Jongerendag)
It’s been a while since i last went, but i have been to some really great Christian Youth Days here in Holland! i enjoyed shows by Barlow Girl, Salvador, and many more Christian bands from all over the world. And i loved how i could feel the Lord’s presence among all the people who gathered to praise His Holy Name!

          Helping (HIV/AIDS) orphans and giving them love
During our vacation in South Africa back in 2013 i was blessed to spend 1,5 days at the children’s home Takalani. i loved playing with the kids, sharing the love of Christ and talking with the staff. Yes, these kids have a special place in my heart.

Horses are incredible creatures. They are so sensible and full of love. i enjoy spending time with them and am very blessed for all the opportunities i have had to ride them, play with them, learn from them, take care of them. Trick-riding, equitherapy and riding through the South African nature are definitely some highlights of my experiences with horses that i will always cherish.

Growing up i loved to act with my friends. We made up stories, we wrote plays and we jumped in front of the camera recording a television show (and the commercials for the break :p)… And even though i can come across as shy and timid, i always had this dream to act in a movie/tv series. To be honest i never ever thought that i would do it… That i would actually have the nerves to try out for a casting… But well, miracles do happen and in my craziness i did it. i got to go to a casting for a local TV series (Groote Markt 30 @ RTV Oost) and even though i did not get the part, i was still invited to come over and be an extra. So yeah, i think that was such an incredible experience (both the casting & the being an extra) that it qualifies for checking off this item.

x          Modeling as a part-time job
Nope, this one has not become reality. And i guess i can only say that i’m thankful for that. i am not confident about my body (or myself for that matter) and i guess it would not be beneficial for me to join the fashion industry. i loved & enjoyed the photoshoots i had with my friends, sister & at summer camp. Those are the moments i will cherish!

          Working at a shop eg. the HEMA
It wasn’t the HEMA, but i did manage to find a part-time job at the Action for quite some time. Though it had it’s pros and cons, i definitely learned a lot during my time there.

          Finishing my story and publishing it
Oh yeah. Although there are quite some items that i found most unlikely to come true… This one definitely makes the top3. September 2011 i published my own book (in Dutch). (i chose an alter ego for privacy reasons, as it is a book about my personal experience with mental health struggles – therefore i won’t name the title here. But if you’d like to know more about it, please feel free to contact me).

          Swimming with dolphins
This one also makes the top3 of most unlikely to come true… And yet… i have. It was such an amazing encounter with dolphins. i often look back to this special day. Words cannot describe how incredible this experience was (and is) to me and how i frequently take time to look back and let the memories warm my heart.

So yeah, that was quite the list. As i look back on all these experiences i recall many more beautiful & precious moments i have had over the years. Many of them shared with lovely people that mean the world to me.

There’s only one thing left for me to say about this: i know i am truly blessed.