
Your Happy is my Happy

So, today i did something quite different. Although i was exhausted when i got home from work (an internship at a primary school, so you know.. kids – they are amazing, fantastic, my sunshine and my nourishing rain, but they can be pretty intense as well hehe), i decided to go for a little walk and enjoy some of the autumn sunshine and breeze at the riverside. Just to listen to some music, take some photos, write a little poetry scrabbles and those kind of things. i also did take some of the post cards i got last Saturday to use for my project (translated it's called: "Hugs in an Envelope" - it's about sending cards to someone -you don't know- but really can use some encouragement). i wanted to write some and randomly leave them somewhere to be found.

As i was walking home, a man passed me by. Not sure how to explain, but there was something about this man that told me he could use a kind word, a positive gesture. So i did what i normally don’t dare to do: i asked him “Sir?” and gave him one of my post cards. He looked at me as if i was an alien (finally someone who understands how alienate i am xD) and i walked on. As i looked back i saw him hurry to open up the envelop and smiled - wishing, praying that it would somehow encourage him a bit.

Occupied by my thoughts on 1001 topics , i did not notice the green traffic light. Well, i was in no hurry so i did not mind. Then i saw the same man come my way. As we both waited for the traffic light to turn to green again, he gave me his fantastic smile and thanked me. “There’s no need to thank me” i said. “Everything i wrote is heartfelt”. And his answer truly amazed me. He said “i know. i can see that”. i still puzzle. How did this man see, know that? i don’t know. i am just really thankful the Lord used me today to bless this man. And to experience how he blessed me.

For you see, this man’s happy, it was my happy.
Someone else’s happy, your happy, is my happy. 
It’s as close as i can get to experience the amazing feeling of happiness.

i forgot to say thank you to this man. i’m sorry that he’ll never know how he just made my day :)

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